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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

1 comment:
Since I was a kid, I always had the best lunch. So it only makes sense to feature my best lunch meals...Bon Appetite!!!
**Roasted Butternut Squash/Artichoke Penne
Butternut Squash 1 can Artichoke hearts 1/2 tub Philadelphia Cooking Creme: Italian Herb half brown onion salt + pepper chill pepper olive oil
Peel and cube squash, toss in olive oil, salt, pepper and chill powder, spread in a single layer on sheet pan and roast for 45-50mins until fork tender in 400 oven. Add sliced onion to pan during the last 5mins. Let squash and onions cool completely. Sautee Artichokes for a few minutes, add cooled squash mix. Heat until warmed through, add cooking creme and toss with your favorite pasta, until fully incorporated. Season to taste if need. Enjoy!!! **This recipes made 4 servings, I also used a small squash about 1-1/2lbs**
------------------ Soundtrak of the Day ------------- Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just found your blog.

    I found you thru the FB page for the cookie swap. glad to find another SoCal blogger.

    This recipe caught my eye because I have been looking for lunch ideas lately that is not salad, it's too cold for salad right now. I also have artichokes hearts (frozen) that I don't know what to do with.

    Thanks for the idea.


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