Sunday, March 9, 2014
Happy New Year!!!
This year has been amazing for me thus far. Recipe Challenge for March!
Raw Desserts!
As my knowledge and love for Raw and Vegan Cuisine has grown, i have alot of recipe testing these past 2 months. My focus now is RAW desserts. So below i have tried a few concoctions that turned out REALLY good. The final product is still in the adjustment phase, but none the less delicious.
This year has been amazing for me thus far. Recipe Challenge for March!
Raw Desserts!
As my knowledge and love for Raw and Vegan Cuisine has grown, i have alot of recipe testing these past 2 months. My focus now is RAW desserts. So below i have tried a few concoctions that turned out REALLY good. The final product is still in the adjustment phase, but none the less delicious.
Strawberry Shortcake
6oz Raw Almonds (soaked overnight)
6oz Pitted Dates (medjool) at room temperature
1tsp cinnamon
** Rinse soaked almonds throughly. Add Soaked Almonds, dates and cinnamon to food processor. Process until a well combine and a crumb/smooth consistence is archived.
***yield 4in round or 5 small 2in rounds
1 cup RAW cashews (soaked overnight)
2 pitted dates (medjool) at room temp
1tsp vanilla extract
** Rinse soaked cashews throughly. Add cashews, dates and vanilla to a blender or process in food processor until a fluffy creamy consistence is achieved.
Using a dish of choice. I chose to do individual serving portions.
This dessert can be assemble in layers, ie. (refrigerating in between layers of crust and then cream)if being served as a tart, or assemble all components and enjoy right away, like i did.
1. Press crust mixture into serving dish to form base
2. spoon in or pipe cashew "cream on top crust to make second layer
3. Finish with fresh strawberries.
This dessert was way simple and a delight.
{Featured desserts: Strawberry Shortcake and Carrot cake. Carrot Cake was made using the same crust recipes, with the addition of carrot pulp from juiced carrots and a little more cinnamon. the frosting layer is the exact whipped cashew "cream" as well. I love the fact that these dessert recipes are very simple and interchangeable.
Pharrell Williams - Happy!
Monday, May 6, 2013
I am an avid shopper at my local 99c only store, I highly recommend you visit one. You will be amazed at the selection of great items that rest on the shelves. My favorite 99c store, located on Sherman Way, here in North Hollywood, CA; keeps the shelves and freezers stocked with a variety of items that appeal to my gourmet
So on my last trip to the 99c store, I picked up a few things, and decided to brush up on my baking skills.
99 cent Store finds:
1. Gluten Free Pie Crust
2. Frozen Berries
( Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, and Strawberries)
Granted, I was a little hesitant about the GF pie crust, but then again, i was only spending a dollar.
{ two days later shopping at whole foods for veg. shortening to make the pie crust and what did I find, the same GF pie crust mix for 5 bucks!!!!... I laughed out loud and saying. "yeah, i'm glad i paid a dollar for mine!!!!".}
With all my ingredients ready, i whipped up the dough with ease.
pondering the idea of what to make... i settled on cleaning out my freezer, which was jammed packed with frozen fruit, for make smoothies Oh well...{insert kanye shrug}.
Aha, a mixed berry pie...
were all made a day in advance,
these items can also be made the day of.***
these items can also be made the day of.***
![]() Lemon Curd = 1.5 cups
1/4 cup unsalted butter
3/4 cup white sugar
1/3-2/3 cup lemon juice
3 eggs
1 small saucepan
1 med saucepan
1. Fill med. saucepan 1/3 of the way with water, bring to a boil and reduce to simmer.
2. Whisk eggs together in a bowl until fluffy.
3. In small saucepan; combine, first three ingredients and heat until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. stirring occasionally, bring to a slight boil. Then remove from heat
4. Slowly stream hot juice mixture into egg, whisking as to not let eggs scrambled Once all juice is mixed into eggs, place bowl over med. saucepan with simmering water.
5. Stirring mixture continuously, making sure to scrape all sides of bowl and bottom. Curd is ready when temperature reaches 170 degrees using a candy thermometer or coats your spatula.
**At this point remove bowl from bain marie and strain mixture in storage container to cool.
| Date Paste = 1/4 cup
12 pitted dates
1/4 cup water
Food Processor or Blender
1. Process pitted dates for about 2 mins, until slightly broken down. add water gradually until desired consistency is achieved.
2. Scrape bowl periodically to ensure a smooth consistency. Store in air tight container until ready to use, this paste should be refrigerated.

With all my ingredients and additios ready...Lets make a pie!
Rolling out gluten free pie dough can be a little challenging. I would suggest working with very cold dough and using cornstarch to keep the dough from sticking to your work surface....
*Pie Dough is rolled and ready to fill*
*This boxed pie dough makes enough for 4-8" rounds, so you will have some dough to freeze for later use.
1. spread about 1/3 cup lemon curd on dough
2. Arrange frozen berries
3. smear date paste around perimeter of berries
4. fold dough around berries
5. brush folded dough with egg/egg wash or more date paste
6. bake in 375 degree oven for 30 mins or until filling is bubbly and bottom crust is golden brown
More Pics coming soon...
Very pleased with this pie...the dough has a nice crisp, sugar cookie like texture.
Thanks for visiting!!
Calvin Harris ft. Florence - Sweet Nothing
So I live in SoCal, more specifically. North Hollywood AKA "The Valley".
The weather in the valley is mostly between 5-10 degrees warmer than the surrounding LA neighborhoods. Of course that can be nice on occasion.
So on an unexpected surge in temperature, you need something to calm and cool your bod, right?
What better than watermelon!!!!
I've experimented with two juicing concoctions that include watermelon, that are quite tasty...
( The Following images contain one or more of the listed ingredients above, the juice color result was the same.)
What's in it?
Fennel, Celery, Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger and Green Apple.
Chris Brown - Fine China
Monday, April 15, 2013
Dandelion Greens: More Calcium than KALE!!!, Ultimate Detox * Cleansing Green, LOTS of Minerals. Low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Mangane
As the quest for better hydration continues. I have finally purchased dandelion greens to juice. Because of the potency of this green. It is best to consume it small quantities. Thus only juice a small hand full or about 7-10 leaves. Warning:This juice is extremely sharp and bitter in taste.
Taste as you go, to adjust bitterness. For the next juice with Dandelion Greens, I will add some pineapple or more apple.
2 Green Apples
7-10 dandelion leaves
1 med. bunch of spinach
1 grapefruit
2-3 celery stalks
1 kiwi
1 cucumber
1/2 bunch parsley
After juice was complete, i topped it off with juice of half a lime, to cut the bitterness. ENJOY!!
Jay-Z - DeathOfAutotune(DOA)
Monday, January 21, 2013
Since buying an Omega juicer, a few months back as a way to get my hydration issues under control.
I slacked off for a short time, So to get back on track.....
Beginning a challenge to juice once or two a day.
Today's juice: (Juiced in this order)
1in piece of Ginger
1 Red Grapefruit
1 Fuji Apple
2 Celery Stalks
4 carrots
**** This combination produce about 16oz of juice
The Grapefruit was definitely the star in this, I would recommend increasing the number of apples and/or carrots, to balance the grapefruit.
All in all, this combination was not too bad, on to the next...
------------------ Soundtrak of the Day -------------
Beyonce- National Anthem
{Inauguration 2013}
{Inauguration 2013}