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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Caramel Where Eyes Can See...

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Thanks to the little change in weather this past week, Fall has sparked a great deal of inspiration for new recipes and snack-ee-doos!!! Caramel Apples have always been my favorite fall treat. Its been a while since making these beauties... Now with my Culinary&Patisserie knowledge....I'm proud of the outcome. ENJOY! {Granny Smith Apples covered in homemade caramel, drizzled with white and milk chocolate... rolled in roasted Almonds and Macadamia Nuts.} { R.I.P. Apple #1 , Ha!}
Caramel (makes about 2 1/2 cups) 2c sugar 1/2c hvy cream 2 T unsalted butter Cook sugar until evenly melted, gradually stirring to prevent burning (**add a few drops of lemon juice to prevent crystallization) Once sugar is melted and has reached the color you desire (300 degrees), add cream (**carefully it will try to kiss followed by butter and stir until you reach a smooth consistency. Tada!!! caramel is finished, I like to strain it to get any lumps out. Let caramel cool completely and set up overnight in an air tight container. It should last for a month.
------------------ Soundtrak of the Day ------------- Busta Rhymes - Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See

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