Monday, January 21, 2013

Since buying an Omega juicer, a few months back as a way to get my hydration issues under control.
I slacked off for a short time, So to get back on track.....

Beginning a challenge to juice once or two a day.

Today's juice: (Juiced in this order) 

1in piece of Ginger
1 Red Grapefruit
1 Fuji Apple
2 Celery Stalks
4 carrots

 **** This combination produce about 16oz of juice

The Grapefruit was definitely the star in this, I would recommend increasing the number of apples and/or carrots, to balance the grapefruit.

All in all, this combination was not too bad, on to the next...



------------------ Soundtrak of the Day ------------- 
Beyonce- National Anthem
{Inauguration 2013}


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